Agent Neo 3 (Qiaoxi)
A girl from a village by the coast, that got destroyed in a Big Run when she was a tween. This is how she met her Little Buddy. Not having anyone else left in her life, she went to the Splatlands as at least being away from the coastline felt safer. She's been living on her own and supporting herself since on odd jobs, Grizzco work, and petty theft.
Thanks to her loads of experience working at Grizzco, she was able to take on agent work easily. She immediately develops a love/hate with The Captain, finding it strange but interesting how someone relatively young got themselves pulled into this position of power. But still, she inherently dislikes anyone in authority above herself, so there's strong mixed feelings. Even though Captain tries to connect with her, she refuses to engage with that. She decides to just leave without having a chance at contact in order to put this behind herself.
Switches between being homeless and living at youth hostels, depending on the weather and her current funds. Spends a lot of time at 24/7 internet cafes and other similar places, leading to her spending a lot of time online and getting a bit of Posting brainrot. Unable to get her strange crush on the Captain off her mind, she ends up stalking them and finding out where they currently live and other small details of their life.
She's very aggressive about getting what she wants, and habitually uses manipulative and coercive tactics if necessary. Despite this, she despises when other people use any sort of authoritative or controlling tactic in return, and she will flee at the first sign of being restrained. She gets a sense of power and control going after older women, and has not been shy to collect blackmail relating to this.
- Her birthday is October 10.
- The characters in her name are 俏汐. 俏 means smart, beautiful, or resembles, 汐 means night tides.
- She is a misandrist, though doesn't have any particular incident in her life that caused this. It's more just terminal online brainrot, and believing they steal women she's interested in. She's called people "moids" before.
- Has very mixed feelings about Grizzco and Salmonid. She hates Salmonid for ruining her life so is fine slaughtering them en masse, but her Smallfry is probably the creature she's bonded to the most in her life at this point. She obviously hates Grizz, but she continues to work at his company and doesn't think too hard about it.
- She's a habitual smoker, but tries to hide it a bit.