This will be updated with my own original content sometime. For now, it's a reference of some of my favourite stuff from other monster manuals.
monster sources
- ADnD 1e Monster Manual
- Pathfinder Beastiary
- DND 5e Monster Manual
- DnD Beyond Monster List
- DnD 5e Homebrew Monster List
monsters from the ADnD 1e manual:
The anhkheg burrows through the earth like an earthworm preferring soil rich in minerals and organic matter. Thus it will usually be found in forests and choice agricultural land. This causes farmers great consternation, since the anhkheg likes to supplement its earthly diet of soil with a bit of fresh meat, human or otherwise. Since its mouth is not designed to rip and tear meat, its mandibles crush its prey and secrete a digestive enzyme causing an additional 1-4 points per turn until the prey is completely dissolved. If sorely pressed in battle it is able to squirt its digestive acids 30 feet once per six hours. However when it does this it cannot digest anything for the same length of time, so it usually will bite.
Axe beaks are prehistoric carnivorous flightless birds. They ore very fast runners and aggressively hunt during daylight. An axe beak resembles an ostrich in its lower portions, with a strong neck and a heavy, sharp beak.
The basilisk is a reptilian monster. Although it has eight legs, its slow metabolic process allows it only slow movement. While it has strong, toothy jaws, the basilisk's major weapon is its gaze by means of which it is able to turn to stone any fleshly creature which meets its glance. However, if its gaze is reflected so that the basilisk sees its own eyes, i t will itself be petrified, but this requires light at least equal to bright torchlight and a good, smooth reflector. Basilisks are usually dull brown with yellowish underbellies. Their eyes are glowing pale green. The basilisk is able to see in both the astral and ethereal planes. In the former plane its gaze kills, while in the latter it turns victims to ethereal stone which can only be seen by those who are in that plane or can see ethereal objects.
The beholder (eye tyrant, sphere of many eyes) is most frequently found underground, although i t infrequently will lair in desolate wildernesses. The globular body of this monster is supported by levitation, and it floats slowly about as it wills. Atop the sphere are 10 eyestalks, while in its central area are a great eleventh eye and a large mouth filled with pointed teeth. The body is protected by a hard chitinous covering. The creature's eyestalks and eyes are also protected, although less well (thus the armor classes of 2 and 7 respectively). Because of its particular nature the beholder i s able to withstand the loss of its eyestalks, these members are not computed as part of its hit point damage potential, and lost eyestalks will eventually grow back (1 week per lost member).
The black pudding is a monster composed of groups of single cells. It is a scavenger/hunter found only in underground areas normally. The body structure of a black pudding is such that it con pass (flow) through narrow openings (such as a 1" crack under a door). The monster travels equally well on walls or ceilings as well as floors. Its tiny mouths and salivo do 3-24 hit points of damage per melee round to exposed flesh. If the monster needs to dissolve wood in order to obtain food, it can eat away about a two inch thickness of wood equal in area to its diameter in 1 melee round.
Bugbears live in loose bands, and are typically found in the same areas as are goblins. Unlike their smaller cousins, however, these hairy giant goblins operate equally well in bright daylight or great darkness (as they have infravision to 60'), so they are as likely to choose a habitation above ground as they are to select a subterranean abode.
Carrion crawlers strongly resemble a cross between a giant green cutworm and a huge cephalopod. They are usually found only in subterranean areas. The carrion crawler is, as its name implies, a scavenger, but this does not preclude aggressive attacks upon living creatures, for that insures a constant supply of corpses upon which to feed or for deposit of eggs. The head of the monster is well protected, but its body is only armor class 7. A carrion crawler moves quite rapidly on its multiple legs despite its bulk, and a wall or ceiling is as easily traveled as a floor, for each of the beast's feet are equipped with sharp claws which hold it fast. The head is equipped with 8 tentacles which flail ot prey; each 2' long tentacle exudes a gummy secretion which when fresh, will paralyze opponents (save versus paralyzation or it takes effect). As there are SO many tentacles with which to hit, and thus multiple chances of being paralyzed, these monsters are greatly feared.
Centaurs dwell in secluded pastures, far from human habitation. Roving bands of these creatures always carry weapons, and leaders will carry shields. Half of the centaurs in a band will be armed with oaken clubs (equal to morning stars, 1-8 or 1-6 hit points damage/attack), one-quarter will have composite long bows and 10-30 arrows (24“ range, 1-6 hit points damage/attack), and the remaining quarter will be leaders (AC 4) with shield and lance (1-8 or 2-24 hit points damage/attack). Leaders will have double treasure. In melee each centaur attacks two times, once with his weapon and then as a horse with his two fore hooves.
If centaurs are encountered in their lair it will be a hidden glen with rich grass and running water. Here, there will be found 1-6 additional males, females equal to twice the number of males, and young from 5-30 in number. Females (3 hit dice) and young (1-3 hit dice) do not use weapons and will only fight with their hooves in a life and death situation. If the females and young are threatened, the centaurs will be 90% likely to ransom them with their main treasure. They speak their own language and that of their alignment.
Centaurs are not generally friendly with humans or dwarves; they tolerate gnomes and halflings; they are friendly with elves and like wood elves.
These creatures are not visible to the human eye and can only be detected psionically by means of careful examination of a person's aura. They can be removed only by a cure disease spell. If a psionically endowed creature comes within 1” of cerebral parasites they will attack but the attack will be completely unnoted. Thereafter, whenever psionic abilities, including attack/defenses, are used, the parasites will drain additional psionic energy to feed upon. Each parasite will drain one energy point. Furthermore, after one has fed upon six psionic energy points it will reproduce another parasite, and thereafter continue to drain energy, as will its offspring. They cannot be psionically attacked.
The chimera combines features of three creatures in a monstrous manner. Its hind quarters are those of a huge goat, its foreparts are those of a lion, its body sports dragon wings, and it has three large heads. It can claw with its fore legs, its goat head is armed with two long horns, its lion head has powerful jaws and sharp teeth, and its dragon head i s likewise equipped. If a chimera desires (50% chance) its dragon head can breathe fire with a range of 5” and causing 3-24 points damage (saving throw applicable). Chimerae speak a very limited form of red dragon language.
These winged, feathered serpents are rarely found anywhere except in warm, jungle-like regions or flying through the ether. Due to their intelligence and powers they are regarded with awe by the inhabitants of their homelands and considered to be divine. Couatl rarely interfere in human affairs. They are able to polymorph themselves and they use magic - as a 5th level magic-user and/or 7th level cleric (45% use magic-user spells, 35% clerical spells, 20% use both). In melee they attack both by poisonous bite (saving throw applicable) and constriction; if a constriction attack succeeds, the victim takes 2-8 hit points of damage that melee round and each round thereafter until one or the other is killed.
Dragons come in many colors, sizes, shapes, and alignments. Two sorts of dragons (the Chromatic Dragon and the Platinum Dragon) are singular individuals, and there are no others of their type. Each dragon sort will be treated individually herafter. General information and common characteristics will be given here.
A considerable percentage of dragons have the ability to speak one or more human languages in addition to the language of their species. Similarly, o fair number of dragons which can speak are able to employ magical spells. The chances for either of these abilities occurring in any given individual dragon are shown under the specific treatment by species. The chance that any given dragon will be asleep will likewise be so given
Sleeping Dragon: A sleeping dragon is only fo-und in its lair, and it will always awaken upon hearing loud noise such as talking, shouting, forcing a door, etc. if it is within 30'to 120' (depending on baffling factors; walls, doors, etc.) and the volume of sound. It will awaken if attacked. It will also awaken on a roll of 6 on a 6-sided die. If a sleeping dragon is attacked, its opponents get a bonus of +3 to strike it, but as soon as the dragon is awake, the bonus is lost
Larger towns and cities will usually have a market for dragons. If a dragon is sold, it usually goes out of the game, although the referee may wish to assign it to some one of his special non- playing characters whom he runs for encounter in the town/city. The selling price of o subdued dragon ranges from 100 to 800 gold pieces per hit point. This price is subject to adjustment by the referee. Offers are typically determined by rolling an 8-sided die. Subdued dragons con be ridden
The innate cowardice of dragonkind is shown by the fact most can be subdued. Dragons' egoistic nature makes them subject to flattery, and it also makes the more stupid of them prone to attack other powerful creatures whom they view as disputing their dominating position. Greed and avarice are major motivating factors in all but the loftiest of dragons (40% of silver, 80% of gold, and the platinum dragon), so they are subject to manipulation by very clever persons or the prospect of actual treasure and the promise of more forthcoming.
Halflings are basically hard-working, orderly and peaceful citizens of communities similar to humans - although their villages usually contain many burrow homes as well as surface cottages. For every 30 halflings encountered there will be two 2nd level fighters. If more than 90 are encountered there will be an additional leader of 3rd level fighting ability. If more than 150 are encountered there will also be the following additional halflings in the group: one 4th level fighter, two 3rd level fighters and three 2nd level fighters. If encountered in their lair there will be females and children equal to 100% and 60% respectively of the adult males indicated. A typical halfling lair will be in pastoral countryside.
The usual protection worn by halflings consists of padded or leather armor. Halflings are typically weaponed with small swords and/or short bows. Halflings encountered in their lair will have from 1-4 dogs (treat them as wild dogs for statisticalpurposes) per halfling.
The magic and poison resistance of halflings causes them to save at four levels above their actual. They are exceedingly clever at both quiet movement and hiding. They will surprise on a die roll of 1-4 on a 6-sided die. In natural terrain they must be treated as invisible if they have any form of vegetation in which to conceal themselves. They have no infra- vision. They shun water.
There are four different kinds of elementals normally encountered - air, earth, fire, and water elementals. These are strong but relatively stupid beings conjured magically from their normal habitat - the elemental planes of air, earth, etc. The strength of any type varies, and the characteristics of each elemental type are different. All differences will be dealt with separately under the appropriate headings.
More or less powerful and/or intelligent elementals exist on the elemental planes than can be summoned. Various forms of free-willed elemental plane dwellers will be found described elsewhere in this book. The outstanding true elementols dwelling on these planes will be mentioned only briefly hereunder
Elves are of various sorts, including a marine race, all of which are detailed here. These creatures are able to operate in two or more classes simultaneously, so fighter/clerics, for example, are possible. Note also that the level of proficiency may vary between the two or more classes one of these creatures is capable of performing in. They have only a loose social structure based on independent bands which owe allegiance to an overlord (duke, princess, king or queen).
Elves of all sorts seek to make their home secure by locating it in secluded copse, wood or forest. They typically (65%) have from 2-12 giant eagles as guards for their lair.
When in natural surroundings such as a wood or meadow, elves can move silently (surprise on a 1-4) and blend into the vegetation so as to be invisible (requiring the ability to see invisible objects to locate them) as long as they are not attacking. Note the bonus elves gain with bow or sword. Elves are also very quick and agile, so they can move, fire their bows, and move back all in the same round.
Elves are 90% resistant to charm and sleep spells of all sorts. They have infravision to 60'. They note secret or hidden doors and the like from one- third to half of the time, depending on the care or magic with which they are hidden.
Gray Elf (Faerie): These noble elves are the rarest and most powerful of their kind. They are more intelligent than other sorts ( + 1 on dice roll for intelligence), and those few with supra-genius abilities can become wizards. They are very reclusive, live in isolated meadowlands, and never associate with any other humanoids, other than elves, for long - or with frequency. They usually are armored with chain mail and shield, and all carry swords. Grey elves often (50%) have hippogriffs as steeds (70%) or actually use griffons (3-12) as guards/mounts (30%). They speak the same languages as do high elves. Grey elves have either silver hair and amber eyes or pale golden hair and violet eyes. The latter sort are generally called faeries. They favor white, yellow, silver, or gold garments. Their cloaks are often deep blue or purple. They live beyond the age of 1.500 years.
Half-Elf: All half-elves are of human stock. They are handsome folk, with the good features of each of their races. They mingle freely with either race, being only slightly taller than the average elf (5%) and weighing about 150 pounds. They are able to detect secret entrances and the like as elves do (one-third to one-half the time). Half-elves have normal infravision. They do not gain the sword and bow advantages of their elven stock, but half-elves are able to progress simultaneously in two or three categories, i.e. fighter/magic-user or fighterlmagic-user/cleric (if wisdom i s 13 or greater). Half-elves normally may attain maximum levels of 6/6/4; if strength is 17 or 18, the level of fighting ability can go to 7th or 8th. Similarly, if intelligence is 17 or 18, half-elves can attain 7th or 8th level magic-user. Thus a half-elf can be a superhero/warlock/vicar (8/8/4). Half-elves are able to speak the same languages as elves - goblin, orcish, gnoll, halflingish, gnomish, and elvish (plus alignment and common). Half-elves live 250 years
Violet fungus growths resemble shriekers, and are usually (75%) encountered with them. The latter are immune to the touch of violet fungi, and the two types of creatures complement each other's existence. Violet fungi favors rotted animal matter to grow upon. Each fungus has 1 to 4 branches which it will flail out with if any animal comes within their l ' t o 4' range. The excretion from these branches rots flesh in but one melee round unless a saving throw versus poison is made or a cure disease is used. The branch length of this growth depends upon size. Violet fungi range from 4' to 7' tall, the smallest having 1' branches, the 5'sort having 2' branches, etc. Any sized growth can have 1 to 4 branches
Ghosts are the spirits of evil humans who were so awful in their badness that they have been rewarded (or perhaps cursed) by being given undeod status. Thus they roam about at night or in places of darkness. These spirits hate goodness and life, hungering to draw the living essences from humans. As ghosts are non-corporeal (ethereal), they are usually encountered by creatures in a like state, although they can be seen by non-ethereal creatures. The supernatural power of a ghost i s such, however, that the mere sight of one causes any humanoid being to age 10 years and flee in panic for 2-12 turns unless a saving throw versus magic is made.
The intellect devourer is one of the most feared of monsters. They are found dwelling deep beneath the ground or in dark and dismal lairs in the wilderness. Although they are able to attack with their great claws, their primary offensive means is psionic, for they subsist on the psychic energy of their prey - whether gained from the dying shriek or by more subtle means. If psionic energy (from abilities or magical means) is in use nearby (6") they will stalk the user, seeking a time to attack him alone and by surprise. The monster then leaps upon his victim, tearing with his claws and psionically attacking with ego whip or id insinuation. If psionically successful the 'devourer will then house itself within the mindless body, seeking to deceive others by assuming the character of the person it has slain. The intellect devourer will then seek opportunities to attack and devour others.
The society of these creatures is tribal with war bands based on gens. The stronger tribes rule weaker ones. Kobolds are usually found in dank, dark places such as dismal overgrown forests or subterranean settings. They hate bright sunlight, not being able to see well in it, but their night vision is excellent, and they have infra-red vision which operates well up to 60'.If they are in bright sunlight they have a lesser chance to fight well (-1 from dice rolls to hit opponents).
For every 40 kabolds encountered there will be a leader and two guards who are equal to goblins, each having 4 hit points, armor class 6, and doing 1-6 points of damage. If 200 or more kobolds are encountered in their lair there will be the following additional creatures there: 5-20 guards (as bodyguards above), females equal to 50% of the total number, young equal to 10% of the total number, and 30-300 eggs. There will always be a chief and his bodyguard in the kobold lair. It is also probable (65%) that there will be from 2-5 wild boars (70%) or 1-4 giant weasels (30%) in a kabold lair; the animals will serve as guards.
Kobolds hate most other life, delighting in killing and torture. They particularly hate such creatures as brownies, pixies, sprites and gnomes. They war continually with the latter, and will attack them on sight.
A lich exists because of its own desires and the use of powerful and arcane magic. The lich passes from a state of humanity to a non-human, non- living existence through force of will. It retains this status by certain conjurations, enchantments, and a phylactery. A lich is most often encountered within its hidden chambers, this lair typically being in some wilderness area or vast underground labyrinth, and in any case both solidly constructed of stone and very dark. Through the power which changes this creature from human to lich, the armor class becomes the equivalent of + 1 plate armor and + 1 shield (armor class 0). Similarly, hit dice are 8-sided, and the lich can be affected only by magical attack forms or by monsters with magical properties or 6 or more hit dice.
Mimics are subterranean creatures which cannot stand the light of the sun. They are able to perfectly mimic stone or wood. There are two varieties of this creature, the large (9-10 dice), semi-intelligent carnivorous "killer mimic" and the slightly smaller, intelligent sort. While the former will attack anything which is nearby, the latter are generally friendly if offered food. All mimics move about constantly in their search of prey.
Mimics pose as stonework, door, chests, or any other substance or item they can imitate. When a creature touches the mimic, the latter lashes out with a pseudopod, delivering 3-12 points of damage per hit. Meanwhile, the mimic excretes a glue which holds fast whatever member the creature touched the mimic with.
The killer mimics do not speak, but the other breeds have their own language and can usually speak several other tongues such as common, orcish, etc. For consideration they will usually tell a party about what they have seen nearby.
Mind flayers are found only in subterranean places, as they detest sunlight. They are greatly evil and consider the bulk of humanity (and its kin) as cattle to feed upon.
The mind flayer's physical attack is by striking a victim with its four tentacles. If a tentocle hits it will reach the opponent's brain in 1-4 melee rounds and draw it forth, immediately killing the creature. The mind flayer then devours the brain. Its more feared attack mode, however, is the mind blast of psionic power. All within a 6" directional cone of %" diameter at the point of emanation and 2" diameter at extreme range are affected (psionic attack on non-psionic)
If an encounter is going against a mind flayer it will immediately flee, seeking to save itself regardless of its fellows or its treasure. These monsters speak only their own arcane language and severol other weird tongues- purportedly those of terrible races of things which dwell in regions of the subterranean world far deeper than mankind has ever ventured. It is also rumored that these monsters have a city somewhere deep beneath the earth.
Orc tribes are fiercely competitive, and when they meet it is 75% likely that they will fight each other unless a strong leader (such as a wizard, evil priest, evil lord) with sufficient force behind him is on hand to control the orcs. Being bullies, the stronger will always intimidate and dominate the weaker. (If goblins are near, for example, and the orcs are strong enough, they will happily bully them.) Orcs dwell in places where sunlight is dim or non-existent, for they hate the light. In full daylight they must deduct 1 from their dice rolls to hit opponents, but they see well even in total darkness (infravision).
Known orc tribes include the following: Vile Rune, Bloody Head, Death Moon, Broken Bone, Evil Eye, Leprous Hand, Rotting Eye, Dripping Blade. If orcs from one of those tribes are encountered in an area, i t is likely that all other orcs nearby will also be from this tribe.
Orc lairs are underground 75% of the time, in an above ground village 25% of the time. There will always be the following additional orcs when the encounter is in the creatures' lair: a chief and 5-30bodyguards (AC 4, 13-16 hit points, attack as monsters with 3 hit dice and do 2-8 hit points damage), females equal to 50% of the number of males, young equal to 100% of the number of moles. If the lair is underground, there is a 50% chance that there will be from 2-5ogres living with the orcs. If the lair is above ground it will be a rude village of wooden huts protected by a ditch, rampart, and log palisade. The village will have from 1-4watch towers and single gate. There will be 1 catapult and 1 ballista for each 100 male orcs (round to the nearest hundred).
Orcs are cruel and hate living things in general, but they particularly hate elves and will always attack them in preference to other creatures. They take slaves for work, food, and entertainment (torture, etc.) but not elves whom they kill immediately
As orcs will breed with anything, there are any number of unsavory mongrels with orcish blood, particularly orc-goblins, orc- hobgoblins, and orc-humans. Orcs cannot cross-breed with elves. Half-orcs tend to favor the orcish strain heavily, so such sorts are basically orcs although they can sometimes (lOYo) pass themselves off as true creatures of their other stock (goblins, hobgoblins, humans, etc.).
The most dreaded of the chaotic evil undead is the night-prowling vampire. These creatures must rest in a coffin or similar receptacle during hours of sunlight unless far beneath the surface of the ground, and in the latter case they must occasionally return to such rest, for their power is restored by contact with soil from their grave. Like all undead, vampires exist in two planes at once - in this case the material and negative material. Vampires have 18/76 strength.
Vampires are affected only by magical weapons. They regenerate damage at 3 hit points per melee round. If brought to 0 hit points by combat, the vampire is not killed, but it is forced into gaseous form. It must then return to itscoffin within 12 turns, rest 8 hours, and reform a corporeal body
Any human or humanoid drained of all life energy by a vampire becomes an appropriately strengthed vampire under control of its slayer. This transformation takes place 1 day after the creature is buried, but if and only if the creature is buried. Thus it is possible to have a vampiric thief, cleric (chaotic evil in vampire form, of course), etc. If the vampire which slew the creature is itself killed, the vampires created by it become free- willed monsters
Wyverns are distantly related to dragons. These monsters also inhabit places favored by dragons - tangled forests, great caverns, ond the like. They are rather stupid, but very aggressive, and wyverns will always attack.
The wyvern bites (2-16) and lashes with its sting-equipped tail at one or two opponents. Any creature struck by this tail must save versus poison or die. Even if the victim makes its saving throw, it takes 1-6 points of damage. Note that the toil is very long and mobile, easily striking over the back of the wyvern to hit an opponent before its front.